Florine Imo (b.1995)  lives and works in Vienna, Austria. 

Her work explores different aspects of femininity while highlighting  the concept of the contrast between soft and sharp aspects in her female figures. Florine's paintings explore overwhelming patterns, luminous colors and metaphorical visual language. Recently the artist created a powerful alter ego figure, which can be found in various group shows during this year.


Florines work was recently displayed with JPS Gallery in Tokyo, Shin Haus -  NY, MISA - Mallorca, Weserhalle - Berlin and Gallery Zberro - Paris. 


In 2023 Florine Imo will show new works with Annka Kultys, London, La Causa, Madrid and the Room, London. 


☆ various install shots 

soft touch sharp teeth

on display with RED CARPED ART AWARD

Showroom Volkstheater Metro Station, July 2021

≈ Fireball ≈

opening 02.06.2021

@on Space, Volkertstraße 12, 1020 Vienna

see you <3

Wir Sperren Einfach Auf!

open Studio - 26. & 27.03.2021

with Bergur Nordal and Ona B.

Volkertstraße 17, 1020 Vienna

come by say hi <3

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